Artist Support

We have been running programmes of Artist Support since 2017.  These projects have supported learning disabled, autistic and neurodivergent artists.  Our support has included mentoring, fundraising support, creating portfolios, training and professional development.

We support artists who face significant barriers to the art world due to health, disability, social circumstance or isolation.

Our support can be one-to-one or in groups.  If you are interested in hearing more about what we offer, please contact us.

We have developed a toolkit all about providing support to learning disabled and autistic artists.

The toolkit came out of a project where we paired up learning disabled and autistic artists with artist mentors.

Support was provided by an artist advocate.

The toolkit covers our methodology and ways of working which were successful in our experience.  Please feel free to download, adapt and use it in your setting too.  We'd love to hear any feedback if you do use it.